Medical Grade Foam Adhesives in Disposable ECG Electrodes


Medical Grade Adhesive foam monitoring electrodes with sticky gel feature a high-performance adhesive. The raw material used in ECG Electrodes is biocompatibility tested as per Medical Device Directives. All CARDIOPRINT® ECG electrodes meet ANSI/AAMI EC12 on disposable ECG electrodes. The conductive gel is sticky so maintains skin contact for excellent trace quality.


Prepare the skin

Before placing your electrodes, it is very important to prepare the subject’s skin by wiping the chest area thoroughly with skin cleansing (alcohol) swabs. This removes any oil that may be on the skin and which can cause drift in your ECG/EKG signals.


FOAM TAPE Adhesive

CARDIOPRINT ® electrodes by BRISTOL INDIA have been designed for patients with sensitive skin needs. This specialization of study on ECG electrodes is great for patients who have had reactions to your primary electrode or for elderly patients. It’s not harsh in quality materials make it the perfect option for sensitive skin patients in cardiac rehab.