CARDIOPRINT is the leading ECG Electrodes Manufacturers and supplier in the industry. Our ECG electrodes are manufactured in a fully automated plant in a dust-free environment complying with international standards. We have a fully computerized testing lab for 14 steps intensive quality-check of each electrode. Electrodes are available in different sizes and shapes to meet the OEM specifications. These disposable ECG Electrodes come in a water-proof laminated pouch which increases the shelf life considerably. All ECG Electrodes are latex-free, strongly adhesive and hypoallergenic.

Established in 1972 by Mr. Prakash Narain and Mr. Pratap Narain, Bristol India is one of the country’s leading manufacturers and exporters of “CARDIOPRINT BRAND” TMT papers and other products like cardiology paper, neurology paper, fetal monitors, analytical paper, disposable electrode, patient cable, ECG gel, etc.

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